110 Film Photography

These images were photographed with various 110 film cameras, including a $3.95 plastic lens camera and the Pentax Auto 110 camera. The negatives are about the size of a thumbnail. The arrows and frame number in some of the images are part of the scanned film strip. The multi-frame images are photographed in sequence and the image overlap occurs when the film does not advance correctly from shot to shot or the exposure bleeds into the frame counter.



Red Pine

Red Pine



Billy Willy

Billy Willy

Corinne's Flag

Corinne's Flag

Mad cows, grazing

Mad cows, grazing

Lean Two

Lean Two

22 Miles to Jerome

22 Miles to Jerome

One way, or another way.

One way, or another way.

Right as Rain

Right as Rain

Talquin Lake and Sky

Talquin Lake and Sky

A crack in the wall.

A crack in the wall.

You Two Canoe

You Two Canoe

